Friday, October 28, 2011

Jumping through hoops, in vain...

I hate fundraisers.  This may not be the first time I've said it, and it certainly won't be the last.

My son participated in a fundraiser that had a sales contest in which, if you sold X amount items, you would win a pizza party at CiCi's pizza.

Have I mention my son is gluten free?

So, fine... Yes, I will sign the permission slip for the limo ride that I don't really even agree with so that my son can go to the pizza place where he can't even eat.  And yes, I will make the goddamned gluten free pizza so he won't feel left out.

So, that's what I did.  I got up this morning, got both kids off to school, and attempted to make a pizza.  Lo, and behold, I did not, in fact, have the jar of pizza sauce I thought was in the fridge.

 Crap.  I'll go to the store.  No, don't have time for that.  So, that's fine... I don't need any jar of store bought pizza sauce, I have tomato sauce, I'll make my own.

So, I did.  I made sauce, assembled gluten free pizza, cooked it, cooled it, wrapped it, and took it to the school by 9am.  (Yes, putting me over an hour late on actually working.) He retrieved his pizza and said, "My teacher doesn't think they'll let me bring it." WTF? He can't eat their pizza, so why not? I assure him it will be fine, but I'll call just to double check.  So, I called, and sadly, Teacher was right.  No outside food.  It's a food safety issue.

But no worries...  He can eat salad.  I'm sure he'll be thrilled.

What becomes of my gluten free early morning creation?  God knows... Hopefully he gets to eat it at some point.  I'm pretty sure 10am is too early for wine...

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